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High School Wrestling: Stricter Concussion Guidelines Highlight 2010-2011 Rule Changes

A rule requiring immediate removal of any contestant who shows signs, symptoms or behaviors consistent with a concussion and prohibiting his or her return to competition until cleared by an appropriate health-care professional was among the four rule changes approved by the National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS) Wrestling Rules Committee and  subsequently approved by the NFHS Board of Directors for the 2010-11 season.

Preventing Sexual Abuse by Coaches: Advice for Parents

Reliable statistics on the incidence of sexual abuse by coaches in youth sports are hard to come by, but the how and why of sexual abuse by coaches are well-known.  A leading sports and child psychiatrist offers prevention tips for parents and athletes.

Sustaining an Injury

     On April 22nd at 6:30 p.m. I will participate in a panel discussion in Cambridge, Mass., with our son Todd and Tom Brady's (the quarterback's) dad, possibly his mom.  Our son Todd, along with his older brother, were the subjects of my book published last April entitled, MINOR LEAGUE MOM:  A MOTHER'S JOURNEY THROUGH THE RED SOX FARM TEAMS.   The subject of the discussion will be, "Parenting Elite Athletes."

Preventing Youth Sports Injuries Aim of New Campaign

STOP Sports Injuries campaign announced to help educate athletes, parents, trainers, coaches and healthcare providers about the rapid increase in youth sports injuries, the necessary steps to help reverse the trend and the need to keep young athletes healthy.

Up to Moms to Protect Kids From Serious Head Injuries in Football

Hello Everyone, Coach Bobby Hosea here to share some important information with you.

First, I want to congratulate Brooke and her team for re-establishing the name MomsTeam. I can only guess somebody suggested in order to be politically correct that Dads needed to be represented with the former "Parents" something or other name.  The fact of the matter when it comes to children, Moms care more. Dads do care but, Moms care more about the safety and well-being  of their children, especially when it comes to tackle football.

NHL Ban on Blindside Hits Deserves Ringing of Cow Bell

If you have been following ice hockey, as I have been this year, you probably know that the sport has a concussion problem, more specifically a head-hunting problem.

Child's Sports Hydration Status Result of Several Factors

A child's sports hydration status can be affected, positively or negatively, by beverage type, flavor, container type, accessibility, and parental and coach attitudes about hydration.

Hyponatremia: Dangerous Drop in Sodium Level From Excessive Water Consumption

Hyponatremia is a relatively rare form of heat illness in which sodium levels in the blood become dangerously low due to excessive water consumption.  It usually occurs in endurance and ultra-endurance events lasting four hours or longer. While children do not ordinarily participate in these kinds of activities, hyponatremia is so dangerous that it something sports parents should know about.

Stretching Before Sports: Muscle Length Before Muscle Strength

No matter the sport, maximizing performance and minimizing injury risk comes from lengthening muscles to produce the most mechanically efficient and productive motion. 

National Eating Disorder Awareness Week is Feb. 21 to 27

Most people know that eating disorders can be life-threatening.  What most people don't know is that eating disorders cause more deaths annually than all other mental and emotional health conditions combined.  That's why the Chicago-based Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center and the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) have designated the week of February 21 to 27, 2010 as National Eating Disorder Awareness Week. 

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