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Health & Safety

Concussion Follow-Up

After the initial sideline assessment, an athlete with a suspected concussion should not be left alone, should be monitored for deteriorating mental status over the next few hours, and should be further evaluated in a hospital emergency room or doctor's office.

Concussion Signs Requiring Immediate Hospitalization

In first 24 to 48 hours after suspected concussion, an athlete should be monitored by a parent or other responsible adult  for signs that require immediate hospitalization.

Pre-Season Heat-Acclimatization Guidelines

In 2009, the National Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA) issued a set of high school-specific pre-season heat- acclimatization guidelines as part of its ongoing effort to reduce the number of heat-related athletic injuries in secondary schools. The guidelines have been adopted in seventeen states and are being considered by many others.

Roadrash treatment home tested!

Yikes!  Here is the results if not following my newly learned road rash treatment.  It is my son's slow healing crusty knee.  I vowed to not let this happen again.  But, as he is fifteen, and not certain of my wisdom in these matters, I am not so sure that he will be thrilled with my intervention.  He prefers to take care of these things himself.  

Keep an Eye on UV Safety

June is UV (ultraviolet light) Safety Awareness Month, and through its EyeSmartTMcampaign the American Academy of Ophthalmology reminds Americans of the importance of protecting their eyes from the sun's harmful rays by wearing proper protection.

Road Rash First Aid

When skin and pavement meet, you will want to be prepared to treat your child's road rash with current cleansing and dressing methods.  Here are first aid tips for the home medic.

Spinal Cord Injuries in Sports: Prevention, Treatment, and Transport Guidelines

Proper management of acute spinal injuries on the athletic playing field is crucial, given that sports participation constitutes the second most common cause of spinal cord injuries for Americans age 30 and younger, says the National Athletic Trainers' Association's position statement.

Sunscreen Use: Surprising Statistics

Twenty-seven percent of parents with kids under twelve years old saythey never or only sometimes apply sunscreen on their kids when they're outside for 2 to 4 hours, says a new Consumer Reports poll. And 14 percent say they don't even apply sunscreen on their kids when they're outside for more than four hours.

Bullying: An Ongoing Problem In Youth Sports

Recently, I received the following letter from a mother who had attended one of my talks to a group of sports moms.

It is sad, but true, that some kids think that one way to keep moving up the sports pyramid is to eliminate the competition and drive kids to quit, especially if they perceive them as competitive threats, through bullying or teasing. We start off October is National Bullying Prevention Month with a personal story about bullying.

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