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Treatment & Management

Health Professionals With Training In Return to Play Guidelines Can Manage Most Concussions, Says Dr. Robert Cantu

Only where an athlete continues to experience post-concussion signs or symptoms for more than a week is consultation with a concussion specialized advised, says Dr. Robert Cantu.

Baseline and Post-Injury Neuropsychological Testing Valuable Tool in Concussion Management Says Dr. Robert Cantu

Computerized baseline pre-injury and post-injury neuropsychological testing can be an important part of concussion management, says Dr. Robert Cantu, particularly in terms of identifying cognitive impairment, but  isn't foolproof, does not allow a "red light/green light" decision on return to play, and is only one piece of the assessment puzzle.

Advice for Parents When Child's Concussion Symptoms Persist Or Get Worse

Dr. Robert Cantu recommends parents seek additional testing and evaluation if their child's post-concussion signs and symptoms do not clear within a week to 10 days or increase in number or severity.

Concussion Management: Pro-Active Parents Needed

Parents should not be passive bystanders when it comes to the subject of concussions in sports. There are many things parents can do to minimize the risks that their child will suffer a concussion while playing sports and, more importantly, is not allowed to return to play too soon
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