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static stretching

Dynamic Stretching Best for Sports Warmup

There are several different types of stretching in which an athlete can engage to warm up for sports, including dynamic, static, and ballistic stretching, but dynamic stretching is the best, says Eric Laudano, head athletic trainer at the University of Pennsylvania.

Dynamic Warm-Up, Soft Tissue Massage Better Than Static Stretching

Research suggests that static stretching, far from being the best way for athletes to warm up and prepare for the stress and strain sports and exercise puts on their bodies, may actually increase the risk of injury. Dynamic warm-up and soft tissue manipulation are recommended instead.

Stretching Improves Flexibility, Provides Foundation for Athletic Success

A lot has been written about the subject of stretching and flexibility in sports. Studies abound on the effects of flexibility on muscular strength, joint motion, and injury prevention, but the picture seems to become more muddled with every passing day, with even the conventional wisdom that static stretching improves flexibility over resistance training recently called into question. But the fact remains: stretching improves flexibility, a foundation for athletic success.

Dynamic Stretching Recommended As Part of Sports Warm Up

Studies show that a new way of stretching (dynamic stretching) increases power, flexibility and range of motion, and may reduce injuries while the kind of stretching routine most of us have been doing since we were in grade school (holding a stretch for 20 or 30 seconds, supposedly to prepare muscles for exercise, or static stretching) not only fails to do what it is supposed to do but may actually weaken muscles and hurt athletic performance.
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